The follow snippets demonstrate how to call the Texas A&M Geoservices Geocoder APIs
API Examples
Example 1 -
9355 Burton Way, Beverly Hills, ca, 90210 (CSV, with 2000 & 2010 census)
Example 2 -
9355 Burton Way, Beverly Hills, ca, 90210 (CSV, with all available census and field headers)
Example 3 -
9355 Burton Way, Beverly Hills, ca, 90210 (XML, without census)
Example 4 -
9355 Burton Way, Beverly Hills, ca, 90210 (XML, with 2000 & 2010 census)
Example 5 -
123 Main Street, Los Angeles, ca, 90007 (XML, for an address that has a tie, without ties allowed and flipACoin as tie handling strategy - will match at street level and pick one of two options)
Example 6 -
123 Main Street, Los Angeles, ca, 90007 (XML, for an address that has a tie, without ties allowed and revertToHierarchy as tie handling strategy - will fail at street level because it was ambigous and match at zip code because it is the next level of geography in the hierarchy)
Example 7 -
123 Main Street, Los Angeles, ca, 90007 (XML, for an address that has a tie, with ties allowed - will return ambigous street level matches)
Example 8 -
123 Main Street, Los Angeles, ca, 90007 (same as example #7 but TSV with header fields)
Example 9 -
123 Main Street, Los Angeles, ca, 90007 (same as example #8 but TSV with ties not allowed and flipACoin as tie breaking strategy)
Example 10 -
123 Main Street, Los Angeles, ca, 90007 (same as example #9 with all census years turned on)