Version 5.0.0 - August 2020
- Langholz B, Escobedo L, Goldberg DW, Heck J, Thompson L, Ritz B, Cockburn MG. Analysis of case-control data when there is geolocation uncertainty. Spatial Statistics 41(1): 1-14 (2020).
- Newman G, Kim Y, Kim G, Lee RJ, Gu D, Forghanparast K, Goldberg DW. A python script for longitudinally measuring the duration of vacant land uses. Journal of Spatial Sciences (2020).
- Curtis A, Ajayakumar J, Curtis J, Mahalik S, Purohit M, Scott Z, Muisyo J, Labadorf J, Vijitakula S, Yax J, Goldberg DW. Geographic Monitoring for Early Disease Detection (GeoMEDD). Nature Scientific Reports, 10: 21753 (2020).
- Yin Z, Goldberg, DW, Zhang C, Ma A, Li X. A Probabilistic Framework to Improve Reverse Geocoding Output. Transactions in GIS 24(3): 656-680 (2020).
- Landy R, Mathews C, Robertson M, Wiggins CL, McDonald YJ, Goldberg DW, Scarinci IC, Cuzick J, Sasieni PD, Wheeler CM. A state-wide population-based evaluation of cervical cancers arising during opportunistic screening in the United States Corresponding. Gynecologic Oncology 159(2): 344-353 (2020).
- Landy R, Sasieni PD, Mathews C, Wiggins CL, Robertson M, McDonald YJ, Goldberg DW, Scarinci IC, Cuzick J, Wheeler CM. Impact of screening on cervical cancer incidence: A population‐based case–control study in the United States. International Journal of Cancer (2020).
- Sahar L, Foster SL, Sherman RL, Henry KA, Goldberg DW, Stinchcomb DG, Bauer JE. GIScience and cancer: State of the art and trends for cancer surveillance and epidemiology. Cancer, 125: 2544-2560 (2019).
- Yin Z, Ma A, Goldberg DW. A Deep Learning Approach for Rooftop Geocoding. Transactions in GIS 23(3): 495-514 (2019).
- Jacquez GM, Essex A, Curtis AJ, Kohler B, Sherman R, el Emam K, Shi C, Kaufmann A, Beale L, Cusick T, Goldberg DW, Goovaerts P. Geospatial cryptography: Accelerating human subjects research in cancer control and surveillance. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention (2017).
- McDonald Y, Schwind M, Goldberg DW, Lampley A, Wheeler C. An analysis of the process and results of manual geocode correction. Geospatial Health 12: 84-89 (2017).
- McDonald YJ, Goldberg DW, Scarinci I, Castle PE, Cuzick J, Robertson M, Wheeler CM. Health service accessibility and risk in cervical cancer prevention: Comparing rural versus non-rural residence in New Mexico. Journal of Community Health (2016).
- Klaus CA, Carrasco LE, Goldberg DW, Henry KA, Sherman RL. Use of Attribute Association Error Probability Estimates to Evaluate Quality of Medical Record Geocodes. International Journal of Health Geographics: 14(1) (2015)
- Goldberg DW, Klein A, Olivares M, Li Z. GIS Map Data & Services in the Big, Cloud Era: Opportunities, Challenges & Changes. Journal of Map & Geography Libraries: 10(1) (2014).
- Goldberg DW, Ballard M, Boyd JH, Mullan H, Garfield C, Rosman D, Ferrante AM, Semmens JB. An evaluation framework for comparing geocoding systems. International Journal of Health Geographics 12(50) (2013).
- Henry KA, Sherman R, Farber S, Cockburn MG, Goldberg DW, Stroup AM. The joint effects of census tract poverty and geographic access on late-stage breast cancer diagnosis in 10 US States. Health & Place 21: 110-121 (2013).
- Ghosh JKC, Wilhelm M, Su J, Goldberg DW, Cockburn MG, Jerrett M, Ritz B. Assessing the influence of traffic-related air pollution on term LBW based on land use regression models and air toxics measures. American Journal of Epidemiology (2012).
- Goldberg DW, Cockburn MG. The Effect of Administrative Boundaries and Geocoding Error on Cancer Rates in California. Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Epidemiology 3(1): 39-54 (2012).
- Henry KA, Boscoe FP, Johnson CJ, Goldberg DW, Sherman R, Cockburn MG. Breast Cancer Stage at Diagnosis: Is Travel Time Important? Journal of Community Health 36(6): 933-942 (2011).
- Goldberg DW. Improving Geocoding Match Rates with Spatially-Varying Block Metrics. Transactions in GIS 15(6): 827–848 (2011).
- Boscoe FP, Johnson CJ, Henry KA, Goldberg DW, Shahabi K, Elkin EB, Ballas LK, Cockburn MG. Geographic Proximity to Treatment for Early Stage Breast Cancer and Likelihood of Mastectomy. The Breast 20(4): 324-328 (2011).
- Goldberg DW, Cockburn MG. Improving Geocode Accuracy with Candidate Selection Criteria. Transaction in GIS 14(S1): 129-146 (2010).
- Goldberg DW, Wilson JP, Knoblock CA. Extracting geographic Features from the internet to automatically build detailed regional gazetteers. International Journal of Geographic Information Science 23(1): 93-128 (2009).
- Goldberg DW. A Geocoding Best Practices Guide. Springfield, IL, North American Association of Central Cancer Registries (2008).
- Goldberg DW, Wilson JP, Knoblock CA, Ritz B, Cockburn MG. An effective and efficient approach for manually improving geocoded data. International Journal of Health Geographics 7(60) (2008).
- Goldberg DW, Wilson JP, Knoblock CA. From Text to Geographic Coordinates: The Current State of Geocoding. URISA Journal 19(1): 33-46 (2007).
The USC Geocoding Platform currently supports US geocoding
If you have other reference data sets you would like to use for and/or contribute to
the geocoding process on this site, we can incorporate them. Please
contact us for more information.
Deterministic Matching
This version of the Texas A&M, NAACCR, NCI, Geocoding System performs strictly
deterministic matching, i.e., probabilistic matching is not attempted.
This means that if an exact match is not found in
a particular reference dataset, no match is returned for that reference data layer.
Attribute Relaxation
This option directs the geocoder to try alternative versions of the input data
in the case when an exact match can not be found. In particular, attributes of the
input address are removed from the query, first one at a time and then in combination
with each other. Attribute relaxation is performed (if the option is selected)
on the following address attributes:
1) |
Street predirectional |
2) |
Street postdirectional |
3) |
Street suffix |
4) |
City |
5) |
Zip |
An example of the first few iterations it will try are listed in the next table:
Number |
Pre |
Name |
Suffix |
Post |
Zip |
City |
State |
3620 |
S |
Vermont |
Ave |
N |
90089 |
Los Angeles |
Ca |
3620 |
Vermont |
Ave |
N |
90089 |
Los Angeles |
Ca |
3620 |
S |
Vermont |
Ave |
90089 |
Los Angeles |
Ca |
3620 |
S |
Vermont |
N |
90089 |
Los Angeles |
Ca |
3620 |
Vermont |
Ave |
90089 |
Los Angeles |
Ca |
3620 |
Vermont |
N |
90089 |
Los Angeles |
Ca |
3620 |
S |
Vermont |
90089 |
Los Angeles |
Ca |
3620 |
Vermont |
90089 |
Los Angeles |
Ca |
Substring Matching
This option directs the geocoder to use substring matching techniques to test
for matches in the database. Using this approach increases the likelyhood of
finding a match if the input data or reference data are incomplete (the recall
is increased). However, using this also increases the chances that wrong results
are returned (the precision is descreased).
The following table shows examples of this strategy:
Query |
Reference Feature |
Match |
Vermont |
Vermont |
yes |
Verm |
Vermont |
yes |
Mont |
Vermont |
yes |
Soundex Matching
This option directs the geocoder to use soundex matching techniques to test
for matches in the database. Using this approach increases the likelyhood of
finding a match if the input data or reference data have minor misspellings (the recall
is increased). However, using this also increases the chances that wrong results
are returned (the precision is descreased).
The following table shows examples of this strategy:
Query |
Query Soundex |
Reference Feature |
Reference Feature Soundex |
Match |
Vermont |
V655 |
Vermont |
V655 |
yes |
Vermond |
V655 |
Vermont |
V655 |
yes |
Varnend |
V655 |
Vermont |
V655 |
yes |
Linear Interpolation
The following linear interpolation techniques are used:
The following areal-unit interpolation techniques are used:
Unknown |
LinearInterpolation |
ArealInterpolation |
None |
NotAttempted |
Unknown |
LinearInterpolationAddressRange |
LinearInterpolationUniformLot |
LinearInterpolationActualLot |
LinearInterpolationMidPoint |
ArealInterpolationBoundingBoxCentroid |
ArealInterpolationConvexHullCentroid |
ArealInterpolationGeometricCentroid |
None |
NotAttempted |
Address Point
- A exact match was found to an address point and its coordinates are returned as output
Parcel centroid
- A exact match was found to a parcel and its centroid is returned as output
Street segment
- A match was found to the street segment and the address range
associated with the segment was used
to interpolate a point to return as output
- A match was found to the ZIP portion of the address and its centroid was
returned as output
- A match was found to the city portion of the address and its centroid was
returned as output
County subregion
- A match was found to the city portion of the address
in the county subregion reference data set and its centroid was
returned as output
- A match was found to the city portion of the address
in the county reference data set and its centroid was
returned as output
- A match could not be found for the input
Unknown |
BuildingCentroid |
Building |
BuildingDoor |
Parcel |
StreetSegment |
StreetIntersection |
StreetCentroid |
USPSZipPlus5 |
USPSZipPlus4 |
USPSZipPlus3 |
USPSZipPlus2 |
USPSZipPlus1 |
ZCTAPlus5 |
ZCTAPlus4 |
ZCTAPlus3 |
ZCTAPlus2 |
ZCTAPlus1 |
City |
ConsolidatedCity |
MinorCivilDivision |
CountySubRegion |
County |
State |
Country |
Unmatchable |
Address Point
- A exact match was found to an address point and its coordinates are returned as output
Exact parcel centroid
- A exact match was found to a parcel and its centroid is returned as output
Nearest parcel centroid
- A match was found to the nearest parcel and its centroid is returned as output
Uniform lot interpolation
- A match was found to the street segment and the number of lots on the segment was used
to interpolate a point to return as output
Address range interpolation
- A match was found to the street segment and the address range
associated with the segment was used
to interpolate a point to return as output
ZCTA centroid
- A match was found to the ZIP portion of the address and its centroid was
returned as output
City centroid
- A match was found to the city portion of the address and its centroid was
returned as output
County subregion centroid
- A match was found to the city portion of the address
in the county subregion reference data set and its centroid was
returned as output
County centroid
- A match was found to the city portion of the address
in the county reference data set and its centroid was
returned as output
- A match could not be found for the input
Unmatchable |
Unknown |
AddressPoint |
CountyParcel |
RoofTop |
ParcelCentroid |
PrimaryStructureEntrance |
DrivewayEntrance |
BuildingFrontDoor |
BuildingCentroid |
ExactParcelCentroidPoint |
ExactParcelCentroid |
NearestParcelCentroidPoint |
NearestParcelCentroid |
ActualLotInterpolation |
UniformLotInterpolation |
AddressRangeInterpolation |
StreetIntersection |
StreetCentroid |
ZCTAPlus5Centroid |
ZCTAPlus4Centroid |
ZCTAPlus3Centroid |
ZCTAPlus2Centroid |
ZCTAPlus1Centroid |
ZCTACentroid |
USPSZipPlus5LineCentroid |
USPSZipPlus4LineCentroid |
USPSZipPlus5AreaCentroid |
USPSZipPlus4AreaCentroid |
USPSZipPlus3AreaCentroid |
USPSZipPlus2AreaCentroid |
USPSZipPlus1AreaCentroid |
USPSZipAreaCentroid |
CityCentroid |
ConsolidatedCityCentroid |
CountySubdivisionCentroid |
CountyCentroid |
StateCentroid |
CountryCentroid |
DynamicFeatureCompositionCentroid |
The NAACCR GIS Coordinate Quality Codes provide an indication of the level of accuracy of a geocode.
These codes describe information about:
- The quality of the reference feature matched to - parcel vs street intersection
- The type of input data submitted - ZIP centroid of an address vs ZIP centroid of a PO Box
98 |
Unknown |
Latitude and longitude are assigned, but coordinate quality is unknown |
00 |
AddressPoint |
Coordinates derived from local government-maintained address points, which are based on property parcel locations, not interpolation over a street segment’s address range |
01 |
Coordinates assigned by Global Positioning System (GPS) |
02 |
Parcel |
Coordinates are match of house number and street, and based on property parcel location |
03 |
StreetSegmentInterpolation |
Coordinates are match of house number and street, interpolated over the matching street segment’s address range |
04 |
StreetIntersection |
Coordinates are street intersections |
05 |
StreetCentroid |
Coordinates are at mid-point of street segment (missing or invalid building number) |
06 |
AddressZIPPlus4Centroid |
Coordinates are address ZIP code+4 centroid |
07 |
AddressZIPPlus2Centroid |
Coordinates are address ZIP code+2 centroid |
08 |
ManualLookup |
Coordinates were obtained manually by looking up a location on a paper or electronic map |
09 |
AddressZIPCentroid |
Coordinates are address 5-digit ZIP code centroid |
10 |
POBoxZIPCentroid |
Coordinates are point ZIP code of Post Office Box or Rural Route |
11 |
CityCentroid |
Coordinates are centroid of address city (when address ZIP code is unknown or invalid, and there are multiple ZIP codes for the city) |
12 |
CountyCentroid |
Coordinates are centroid of county |
99 |
Unmatchable |
Latitude and longitude are not assigned, but geocoding was attempted; unable to assign coordinates based on available information |
Missing |
GIS Coordinate Quality not coded |
The NAACCR Census Tract Certainty Codes provide an indication of the level of accuracy one can expect from the Census data associated with a geocode.
These codes describe information about:
- The quality of the reference feature matched to - parcel vs street intersection
- The type of input data submitted - ZIP centroid of an address vs ZIP centroid of a PO Box
- The relationship between the Census geographies matched to and the reference feature used to produce the geocode - Residence City Or ZIP With One Census Tract
Unknown |
Unknown |
1 |
ResidenceStreetAddress |
Census tract based on complete and valid street address of residence |
2 |
ResidenceZIPPlus4 |
Census tract based on residence ZIP + 4 |
3 |
ResidenceZIPPlus2 |
Census tract based on residence ZIP + 2 |
4 |
ResidenceZIP |
Census tract based on residence ZIP code only |
5 |
Census tract based on ZIP code of P.O. Box |
6 |
ResidenceCityOrZIPWithOneCensusTract |
Census tract/BNA based on residence city where city has only one census tract, or based on residence ZIP code where ZIP code has only one census tract |
9 |
Missing |
Not assigned, geocoding attempted |
99 |
Unmatchable |
Geocoding attempted, unable to assign |
NotAttempted |
Not assigned, geocoding not attempted |
The Texas A&M, NAACCR, NCI, Geocoding System allows the user to choose if they want the "best" geocode
returned for an address to be chosen dynamically based on an accuracy
metric calculated by the geocoder, or statically always in the same order.
Details about each of the available methods can be found in the following publication.
Goldberg, D. W., Cockburn, M. G. (2010). Improving geocode accuracy with candidate selection criteria. Transactions in GIS. Vol. 14 (S1), pp. 129-146.
FeatureClassBased |
UncertaintySingleFeatureArea |
UncertaintyMultiFeatureGraviational |
UncertaintyMultiFeatureTopological |
The uncertainty hierarchy directs the geocoder to choose the geocode
with the lowest uncertainty
as the resulting "best geocode" that should be returned for an address.
This option will slow down the processing of your records.
This will perform a search of every source available and return all matches
This will utilize a table of city alias names. If the input city name matches
an alias for that city there will be no penalty applied.
When this
option is not selected, the "best geocode" will be chosen based on the first
geocode that matches in the following table (a variant of the NAACCR Hierarchy):
Exact parcel centroid |
Nearest parcel centroid |
Uniform lot interpolation |
Address range interpolation |
ZIP code centroid |
City centroid |
County subdivision centroid |
County centroid |
State centroid |
Country centroid |
All API's available from the Texas A&M, NAACCR, NCI site (geocoding, address parsing, etc.) use the same set of query status codes from the following table.
Group |
Code Value |
Code Name |
Success |
200 |
Success |
API Key Errors |
400 |
API Key Error |
API Key Errors |
401 |
API Key Missing |
API Key Errors |
402 |
API Key Invalid |
API Key Errors |
403 |
API Key Not Activated |
Non-Profit Errors |
450 |
Non Profit Error |
Non-Profit Errors |
451 |
Non Profit Not Confirmed |
Quota Errors |
470 |
Quota Exceeded Error |
Quota Errors |
471 |
Anonymous Quota Exceeded |
Quota Errors |
472 |
Paid Quota Exceeded |
Versions Errors |
480 |
Version Missing |
Versions Errors |
481 |
Version Invalid |
Internal Errors |
500 |
Failure |
Internal Errors |
501 |
Internal Error |
Unknown Errors |
0 |
Unknown |
- The matched input data was a postal street address
Example: 3620 South Vermont Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0255
- The matched input data was a Post Office Box address
Example: PO Box 0255, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0255
- The matched input data was a Rural Route address
Example: RR 13 Box 2, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0255
- The matched input data was a Star Route address
Example: Star Route 13 Box 2, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0255
- The matched input data was a Highway Contract Route address
Example: HC 13 Box 2, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0255
- The matched input data was an intersection of two or more streets
Example: 36th and Vermont, Los Angeles, CA
- The matched input data was a named place
Example: USC GIS Research Laboratory, Los Angeles, CA
- The matched input data was a relative direction
Example: 1 mile south of downtown Los Angeles
- A match could not be found for the input
Unmatchable |
Unknown |
StreetAddress |
PostOfficeBox |
RuralRoute |
StarRoute |
HighwayContractRoute |
Intersection |
NamedPlace |
RelativeDirection |
City |
State |
- The input data exactly matched a feature in the reference data source:
input |
3620 S Vermont Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0255 |
reference |
3620 S Vermont Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0255 |
- One or more of the input data attributes had to be removed to find a match in the reference data source:
input |
3620 Vermont Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0255 |
reference |
3620 S Vermont Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0255 |
- South is missing from input and is present in the reference
For more details, see the section on Address Relaxation above.
- One or more of the input data attributes had to be matched with soundex to find a match in the reference data source:
input |
3620 S Vermonnt Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0255 |
reference |
3620 S Vermont Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0255 |
- Soundex("Vermonnt") = V655 = Soundex("Vermont")
For more details, see the section on Soundex Matching above.
NoMatch |
Exact |
Relaxed |
Substring |
Soundex |
Composite |
Nearby |
Unknown |
- A exact match was found
- A match could not be found for the input
Unknown |
Success |
Ambiguous |
BrokenTie |
Composite |
Nearby |
LessThanMinimumScore |
InvalidFeature |
NullFeature |
Unmatchable |
ExceptionOccurred |
Unknown |
RevertToHierarchy |
FlipACoin |
DynamicFeatureComposition |
RegionalCharacteristics |
ReturnAll |
ChooseFirstOne |
These confidence levels are based off the url the source data was obtained from. The default value is levels 1-5 but you can elect to choose specific
confidence levels as needed or desired.
Including this option in either the batch processing or API will result in the geometry
of the reference feature used for interpolation being returned along with the geocode
result. This option is only appliable when using the API in verbose mode, or when
the optional reference feature fields are selected in a batch process.
It is not recomended that this option be selected unless you have a specirfic need for the underlying reference feature geometry.
You can always return to the site and easily get the reference feature geometry for any specific geocode of interest.
Geometry format |
The geometry of the reference feature will be reported in OGC GML |
Geometry text size |
OGC GML is extremely verbose. This means that there will be a lot text returned if the geometry is a complex object such as a ZIP code, city or state |
CSV files in batch mode (and TSV) |
CSV files may become unusable due to the amount of text returned for a GML geometry |
Access database files in batch mode (mdb and accdb) |
Access data files may grow beyond the maximum file size of 2GB and become unusable due to the amount of text returned for a GML geometry |
Hover mouse over column in table for penalty details
Example penalty code: MM1MM2DMMM1MM3
(street soundex match,2-4 city references did not match,pre directionals do not match,at least 1 census block does not match,3 ref matches)
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
Input Type |
Street Type |
Street |
Zip |
City |
City Refs |
Directionals |
Qualifiers |
Distance |
Outliers % |
Census Blocks |
Census Tracts |
Census Counties |
Ref Match Count |
- 'M' = full address
- '1' = street only
- '2' = number - no street, has city and zip
- '3' = city only
- '4' = zip and city
- '5' = zip only
- 'F' = error
- 'M' = full address
- '1' = street only
- '2' = number - no street, has city and zip
- '3' = city only
- '4' = zip and city
- '5' = zip only
- 'F' = error
- 'M' = street
- '1' = PO Box
- '2' = rural route
- '3' = highway contract route
- '4' = star route
- 'F' = error
- 'M' = 100% match
- '1' = soundex match
- '2' = street name different
- '3' = missing street name
- 'F' = Error
- 'M' = 100% match
- '1' = 5th digit different
- '2' = 4th digit different
- '3' = 3rd digit different
- '4' = 2nd digit different
- '5' = 1st digit different
- '6' = more than 1 different
- '7' = missing or invalid zip
- 'F' = error
- 'M' = 100% match
- '1' = alias match
- '2' = soundex match
- '3' = no match
- 'F' = error
- 'M' = city matches in all reference sets
- '1' = 1 reference city does not match returned city
- '2' = 2-4 reference cities do not match returned city
- '3' = 5 or more reference cities do not match returned city
- '4' = no reference cities match returned city returned city
- 'F' = error
- 'M' = all directionals match
- '1' = missing feature pre and post directionals
- '2' = missing input pre and post directionals
- '3' = both pre and post directionals do not match
- '4' = feature missing post directional
- '5' = input missing post directional
- '6' = post directionals do not match
- '7' = missing feature pre directional
- '8' = missing feature pre directional and input post directional
- '9' = missing feature pre directional and post directionals do not match
- 'A' = missing input pre directional
- 'B' = missing input pre directional and missing feature post directional
- 'C' = missing input pre directional and post directionals do not match
- 'D' = pre directionals do not match
- 'E' = pre directionals do not match and missing feature post directional
- 'F' = pre directionals do not match and missing input post directional
- 'M' = all qualifiers match
- '1' = missing feature pre and post qualifiers
- '2' = missing input pre and post qualifiers
- '3' = both pre and post qualifiers do not match
- '4' = feature missing post qualifier
- '5' = input missing post qualifier
- '6' = post qualifiers do not match
- '7' = missing feature pre qualifier
- '8' = missing feature pre qualifier and input post qualifier
- '9' = missing feature pre qualifier and post qualifiers do not match
- 'A' = missing input pre qualifier
- 'B' = missing input pre qualifier and missing feature post qualifier
- 'C' = missing input pre qualifier and post qualifiers do not match
- 'D' = pre qualifiers do not match
- 'E' = pre qualifiers do not match and missing feature post qualifier
- 'F' = pre qualifiers do not match and missing input post qualifier
DISTANCE(avg of parcels and streets distances from each other)
- 'M' = < 10m
- '1' = 10m-100m
- '2' = 100m-500m
- '3' = 500m-1km
- '4' = 1km-5km
- '5' = > 5km
- 'F' = error
- 'M' = 100% within 10m
- '1' = 60% within 10m and 40% within 100m
- '2' = 60% within 10m and 40% within 500m
- '3' = 60% within 10m and 40% within 1km
- '4' = 60% within 10m and 40% within 5km
- '5' = 60% within 10m and at least 1 outlier over 5km exists
- '6' = 30% within 10m and 70% within 100m
- '7' = 30% within 10m and 70% within 500m
- '8' = 30% within 10m and 70% within 1km
- '9' = 30% within 10m and 70% within 5km
- 'A' = 30% within 10m and at least 1 outlier over 5km exists
- 'F' = error
- 'M' = all blocks match
- '1' = at least one reference block is different
- '2' = no census data
- 'F' = error
- 'M' = all tracts match
- '1' = at least one reference tract is different
- '2' = no census data
- 'F' = error
- 'M' = all counties match
- '1' = at least one reference county is different
- '2' = no census data
- 'F' = error
- 1-G = Number of reference matches in Hex format (i.e. ..7,8,9,A,B,C...)
- 'F' = error
The following list contains the set of known bugs for this release of the geocoding service.
We are constantly working to improve the service and will be addressing these bugs in future releases.
If you discover or suspect another bug, please
report it.
ID |
Type |
Description |
1 |
Input data |
Street intersection data are not supported |
2 |
Feature matching |
A state is required to obtain any type of street- or parcel-level match |
3 |
Feature matching |
Probabalistic feature matching is not supported |
4 |
Feature matching/Feature interpolation |
Street centroids are not returned for street level matches without address numbers |
5 |
Address parsing/Feature matching |
Zip codes with leading zero's get the leading zero's removed |
6 |
Address parsing/Feature matching |
City portions of an address are not normalized so you should pre-normalize them if possible, e.g., use "East Hanover" instead of "E Hanover" |