The follow items describe the TAMU quality metrics that are computed and returned along with geocodes produced by the TAMU Geocoder.
Parcel centroid
A exact match was found to a parcel and its centroid is returned as output
Street segment
A match was found to the street segment and the address range
associated with the segment was used
to interpolate a point to return as output
A match was found to the ZIP portion of the address and its centroid was
returned as output
A match was found to the city portion of the address and its centroid was
returned as output
County subregion
A match was found to the city portion of the address
in the county subregion reference data set and its centroid was
returned as output
A match was found to the city portion of the address
in the county reference data set and its centroid was
returned as output
A match could not be found for the input
Unknown |
BuildingCentroid |
Building |
BuildingDoor |
Parcel |
StreetSegment |
StreetIntersection |
StreetCentroid |
USPSZipPlus5 |
USPSZipPlus4 |
USPSZipPlus3 |
USPSZipPlus2 |
USPSZipPlus1 |
ZCTAPlus5 |
ZCTAPlus4 |
ZCTAPlus3 |
ZCTAPlus2 |
ZCTAPlus1 |
City |
ConsolidatedCity |
MinorCivilDivision |
CountySubRegion |
County |
State |
Country |
Unmatchable |
Exact parcel centroid
A exact match was found to a parcel and its centroid is returned as output
Nearest parcel centroid
A match was found to the nearest parcel and its centroid is returned as output
Uniform lot interpolation
A match was found to the street segment and the number of lots on the segment was used
to interpolate a point to return as output
Address range interpolation
A match was found to the street segment and the address range
associated with the segment was used
to interpolate a point to return as output
ZCTA centroid
A match was found to the ZIP portion of the address and its centroid was
returned as output
City centroid
A match was found to the city portion of the address and its centroid was
returned as output
County subregion centroid
A match was found to the city portion of the address
in the county subregion reference data set and its centroid was
returned as output
County centroid
A match was found to the city portion of the address
in the county reference data set and its centroid was
returned as output
A match could not be found for the input
Unmatchable |
Unknown |
AddressPoint |
CountyParcel |
RoofTop |
ParcelCentroid |
PrimaryStructureEntrance |
DrivewayEntrance |
BuildingFrontDoor |
BuildingCentroid |
ExactParcelCentroidPoint |
ExactParcelCentroid |
NearestParcelCentroidPoint |
NearestParcelCentroid |
ActualLotInterpolation |
UniformLotInterpolation |
AddressRangeInterpolation |
StreetIntersection |
StreetCentroid |
ZCTAPlus5Centroid |
ZCTAPlus4Centroid |
ZCTAPlus3Centroid |
ZCTAPlus2Centroid |
ZCTAPlus1Centroid |
ZCTACentroid |
USPSZipPlus5LineCentroid |
USPSZipPlus4LineCentroid |
USPSZipPlus5AreaCentroid |
USPSZipPlus4AreaCentroid |
USPSZipPlus3AreaCentroid |
USPSZipPlus2AreaCentroid |
USPSZipPlus1AreaCentroid |
USPSZipAreaCentroid |
CityCentroid |
ConsolidatedCityCentroid |
CountySubdivisionCentroid |
CountyCentroid |
StateCentroid |
CountryCentroid |
DynamicFeatureCompositionCentroid |
The matched input data was a postal street address
Example: 3620 South Vermont Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0255
The matched input data was a Post Office Box address
Example: PO Box 0255, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0255
The matched input data was a Rural Route address
Example: RR 13 Box 2, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0255
The matched input data was a Star Route address
Example: Star Route 13 Box 2, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0255
The matched input data was a Highway Contract Route address
Example: HC 13 Box 2, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0255
The matched input data was an intersection of two or more streets
Example: 36th and Vermont, Los Angeles, CA
The matched input data was a named place
Example: USC GIS Research Laboratory, Los Angeles, CA
The matched input data was a relative direction
Example: 1 mile south of downtown Los Angeles
A match could not be found for the input
Unmatchable |
Unknown |
StreetAddress |
PostOfficeBox |
RuralRoute |
StarRoute |
HighwayContractRoute |
Intersection |
NamedPlace |
RelativeDirection |
City |
State |
The input data exactly matched a feature in the reference data source:
input |
3620 S Vermont Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0255 |
reference |
3620 S Vermont Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0255 |
One or more of the input data attributes had to be removed to find a match in the reference data source:
input |
3620 Vermont Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0255 |
reference |
3620 S Vermont Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0255 |
- South is missing from input and is present in the reference
For more details, see the section on Address Relaxation above.
One or more of the input data attributes had to be matched with soundex to find a match in the reference data source:
input |
3620 S Vermonnt Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0255 |
reference |
3620 S Vermont Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0255 |
- Soundex("Vermonnt") = V655 = Soundex("Vermont")
For more details, see the section on Soundex Matching above.
NoMatch |
Exact |
Relaxed |
Substring |
Soundex |
Composite |
Nearby |
Unknown |
A exact match was found
A match could not be found for the input
Unknown |
Success |
Ambiguous |
BrokenTie |
Composite |
Nearby |
LessThanMinimumScore |
InvalidFeature |
NullFeature |
Unmatchable |
ExceptionOccurred |