API Version - 5.0.0
The Texas A&M Geoservices Address Normalization services can be used from desktop and/or web applications
via the Geocoding Web Service interfaces listed below.
The only required information is the API key, which is available in your
account profile page.
You may want to read the
technical details and the
known bugs.
API Version - 5.0.0
Available API Endpoints
API that can be used from scripts, http, and SOAP compatible clients
API for non-parsed address data that can be used from scripts and http
API Input Fields
Parameter |
Required |
Description |
Example |
Possible Values |
Default |
apiKey |
true |
click here for your API key |
api-key-value |
text string |
version |
true |
the version of the parser to use |
5.0.0 |
5.0.0 |
5.0.0 |
nonParsedStreetAddress |
false |
non-parsed street address value |
3620 North Vermont Ave W. |
text string |
nonParsedStreetCity |
false |
non-parsed city value |
Los Angeles |
text string |
nonParsedStreetState |
false |
non-parsed state value |
California |
text string |
nonParsedStreetZIP |
false |
non-parsed zip value |
90089-0255 |
text string |
addressFormat |
false |
common separated list of output address formats |
USPSPublication28 |
USPSPublication28, USCensusTiger, LACounty |
USPSPublication28 |
responseFormat |
false |
output format |
csv |
csv, tsv, xml |
csv |
includeHeader |
false |
include column headers for text (csv/tsv) output |
true |
true (include field headers)
false (don't include field headers)
notStore |
false |
indicates if the transaction details should not be historically stored in your account |
true |
true, false |
API Output Fields and Index (for non-XML output)
Position |
Field |
Description |
0 |
TransactionId |
query id |
1 |
QueryStatusCodeValue |
result code
2 |
QueryStatusCodeName |
result code name
3 |
APIVersion |
version of the API used |
4 |
AddressFormat |
format of the parsed address |
5 |
Number |
parsed street number |
6 |
NumberFractional |
parsed street number fractional |
7 |
PreDirectional |
parsed street pre-directional |
8 |
PreQualifier |
parsed street pre-qualifier |
9 |
PreType |
parsed street pre-type |
10 |
PreArticle |
parsed street pre-article |
11 |
StreetName |
parsed street name |
12 |
PostArticle |
parsed street post-article |
13 |
Suffix |
parsed street suffix |
14 |
PostQualifier |
parsed street post-qualifier |
15 |
PostDirectional |
parsed street post-directional |
16 |
SuiteType |
parsed street suite type |
17 |
SuiteNumber |
parsed street suite number |
18 |
PostOfficeBoxType |
the type of the post office box |
19 |
PostOfficeBoxNumber |
the post office box number |
20 |
City |
parsed city |
21 |
Consolidated City |
parsed consolidated city |
22 |
Minor Civil Division |
parsed minor civil division |
23 |
County SubRegion |
parsed county subregion |
24 |
County |
parsed county |
25 |
State |
parsed state |
26 |
Zip |
parsed zip |
27 |
Zip+1 |
parsed zip+1 |
28 |
Zip+2 |
parsed zip+2 |
29 |
Zip+3 |
parsed zip+3 |
30 |
Zip+4 |
parsed zip+4 |
31 |
Zip+5 |
parsed zip+5 |
API Examples
Example 1 - 123 Old US HWY 25, Los Angeles, California, 900890255 (JSON, USPS Publication 28)
Example 2 - 123 Old Del Mar, Los Angeles, California, 900890255 (JSON, USPS Publication 28, US Census Tiger, and LA County formats)
Example 3 - 123 Old US HWY 25, Los Angeles, California, 900890255 (XML, USPS Publication 28)
Example 4 - 123 Old US HWY 25, Los Angeles, California, 900890255 (XML, US Census TIGER)
Example 5 - 123 Old US HWY 25, Los Angeles, California, 900890255 (XML, LA County CIO)
Example 6 - 123 La Brea N, Los Angeles, California, 900890255 (XML, USPS Publication 28)
Example 7 - 123 La Brea N, Los Angeles, California, 900890255 (XML, US Census TIGER)
Example 8 - 123 La Brea N, Los Angeles, California, 900890255 (XML, LA County CIO)
Example 9 - 3620 South Vermont Ave, Room 444, Los Angeles, California, 900890255 (CSV, USPS Publication 28)
Example 10 - 3620 S. Vermont Avenue North, 444, Los Angeles, California, 900890255 (CSV, USPS Publication 28)
Example 11 - 3620 S. Vermont Avenue, North Apartment #444, Los Angeles, California, 900890255 (TSV, USPS Publication 28)
Example 12 - PO Box 1234, Los Angeles, California, 900890255 (XML, USPS Publication 28)
Example 13 - Post Office Box 1234, Los Angeles, California, 900890255 (CSV, USPS Publication 28)